Act 4 Scene 3

Time: Tuesday night

Location:Juliet’s Bedroom

Characters:Juliet, Nurse

Juliet is thinking if what if the potion does not work what happens if i wake up and i have to marry paris . so she places a dagger next to herself of she wakes up he can kill herself. but then she is worrying if what happens if friar Lawrence put poisen n the potion what if he wants to kill her but she believes that he is still faithful

Quote:What are you busy ho need you me help ?

Act 4 Scene 2

Location:Capulet’s House

Time:Tuesday Afternoon

Characters:Capulet, Mother, Lady Capulet, Nurse, Servingmen

Capulet is talking Juliet and she agrees because of the death plan and so Capulet is wanting to move their marriage forward to Wednesday not Thursday

Quotes:see where she comes from shrift with merry look.

Act 4 Scene 1

Location:Friar lawrance cell

Time: Monday Morning

Characters: Friar Lawrance, Paris, Juliet

Capulet has planned that Juliet and paris to have thier marrage on Thursday but Juliet wants to kill herself rather than marry paris and so juliet and friar lawrance say to fake the death on thursday so she can be put where here death bad was and romeo will pick her up and take her away


Act 3 Scene 4

Time: Monday late evening

Charecters: Paris ,Capulet ,Lady Capulate

Location:Capulets house

they discuss that juliet is going to marry paris and how they are going to have a small party

Quote:Monday my lord

Act 3 Scene 3

Time: Monday evening

Characters:Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Nurse

Location:Friar Lawrence cell

Romeo and Friar lawrence were discussing how romeo got baneshed and how romeo would rather commit scuicide than leave verona because he says that outside verona it would be hell and he wouldnt e able to see anyone

Quote:Do so, and bid my sweet prepare to chide

Act 3 Scene 2

Time:Monday Night

Location: Capulets House

Characters:Juliet, Nurse

so while juliet is waiting for the nurse to put the ladder down the nurses sad and freaking out and is going on about someone died but she is not saying who died and so juliet thinks that Romeo has died but all of a sudden she is dreading that Tybalt has died and how the nurse was such good friends and so now juliet has found out who died but the worst new is that she finds out that Romeo is the one who killed him but juliet still loves Romeo so the nurse gets Romeo for them to have sex before Romeo is banished

Quote:O God, did Romeo’s hands shed Tybalt’s blood?

Act 3 Scene 1

Time:Monday Afternoon
Location:Public place

Characters:Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo, Prince, Lady Capulet, Officer, Montague

Romeo and Mercutio are talking about the challenges made by Tybalt and then Tybalt comes and challenges Romeo to a fight but Romeo denies and so Mercutio gets mad and fights Tybalt but Tybalt ends up shooting Mercutio and he curses a plague on both houses and then dies

Quote:”I am fortunes fool”

Act 2 scene 6

Time:Monday Afternoon


Characters:Benvolio, Mercutio, Romeo, Tybalt, Prince, Lady Capulet,  Montague, Officer

At the start benvolio and Mercutio are talking but then Tybalt comes and wants to fight him because he was at his house during the party and then rodeo turns up and he does not want to fight him because they don’t know that him and juliet just got married and so he doesn’t want to fight but then Mercutio wants to fight so him and Tybalt but then Tybalt stabs Mercutio in the chest and so he than dies.


Act 2 Scene 5

Time:Monday Midday

Location:Capulets House

Characters: Juliet, Nurse

Juliet and the nurse are talking but the nurse wont tell juliet the news because the nurse is dragging it out. the nurse than says that romeo and juliet are going to get married and than the nurse than says that she will go get a ladder so that romeo can sneak in and he can have sex with her.

quote:Have you got to leave to go to shrift today?